Am I Better ?

A recent article in Staffing Industry Analyst “Yes, I could do my boss’ job better“, talked about a recent Monster survey. In the survey, 67% of respondents say ‘yes.’ And a resounding 33% go as far as saying their boss is totally incompetent.

The article made me sad and a bit scared. I actually don’t think I could do my boss’ job better than she can. We all have different skills and strengths — hers fit her role and mine fit mine. In my 15 years I have seen so many people, both juniors and seniors, who have arrogantly thought that they are better than their boss and have failed miserably even in their job.

So lets quit whining and figure out ways to work together, to capitalize on either others’ strengths and to help our organisations succeed.

Author Bio: Cherian Philip who used to head our Recruitment Process Outsourcing Business.

Cartoon : Copyright with

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Am I Better ?

A recent article in Staffing Industry Analyst “Yes, I could do my boss’ job better“, talked about a recent Monster survey. In the survey, 67% of respondents say ‘yes.’ And a resounding 33% go as far as saying their boss is totally incompetent.

The article made me sad and a bit scared. I actually don’t think I could do my boss’ job better than she can. We all have different skills and strengths — hers fit her role and mine fit mine. In my 15 years I have seen so many people, both juniors and seniors, who have arrogantly thought that they are better than their boss and have failed miserably even in their job.

So lets quit whining and figure out ways to work together, to capitalize on either others’ strengths and to help our organisations succeed.

Author Bio: Cherian Philip who used to head our Recruitment Process Outsourcing Business.

Cartoon : Copyright with

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