Increasingly, corporations are motivated to become more socially responsible because their most important stakeholders expect them to understand and address the social and community issues that are relevant to them. Understanding; what causes are important to employees, is usually the first priority because of the many interrelated business benefits that can be derived from increased employee engagement (i.e. more loyalty, improved recruitment, increased retention, higher productivity, and so on). Key external stakeholders include customers, consumers, investors (particularly institutional investors), and communities in the areas where the corporation operates its facilities, and the media.
At Ad Astra the concept of Corporate Social responsibility is not new, it is just the extension and the application of our Management Philosophy – In our pursuit to “reach for the stars” we don’t want to leave anyone behind.
At Ad Astra we have received support in a multitude of tangible and intangible ways – we would like to take advantage of diverse opportunities to contribute actively to society out of gratitude for this support. We have worked for NGOs that support the aged, differently abled, Blind and Aids victims to name a few.
Among the many occasions – on Ad Astra Foundation day (The day we were born as an organisation – January 22nd) – we spend working for the sustainable and healthy development of the under privileged around us.
We aim to fulfill our responsibility as a corporate citizen that supports our local communities and the world at large. Not just in business, but also through diverse social contributions.
We will continue to work toward the betterment of the world around and its people…
Visit to Rakum School for the Blind
Visiting Rakum School on our foundation day was an experience of one of it’s kind. As Stephan Marbury has correctly said that “The money you donate is nothing”. The actual joy for all of us was to share our time with the cute kids who are deprived of love and care. For all those moments, we felt as if we are a part of their world, experiencing the same hardships yet finding reasons to live, from them.
The experience not only left us with memories which will last forever but it also made us realize that no matter how many difficulties we face, life is still very kind to us. It really made us start looking at our life with positive outlook and fresh perspective.
Author Bio: Rashmi Ravikumar is our Search Consultant based out of Bangalore. You can reach her directly at
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